External Subsea Pipeline Inspection

InnetiQs offers inspection of subsea pipelines using a variety of inspection tools as well as a variety of subsea scanning systems that can typically be deployed by ROV’s.


The MagControl NDT technology allows inspection of pipelines with coatings thickness up to 20 mm and pipe wall thicknesses up to 1 inch to detect internal and external localized or generalized corrosion. The strength of the MagControl electromagnetic technology is its reliable detection sensitivity for localized defects, as well as its high resolution and scanning speed. Rated for a water depth of 2.500m, the MagControl based MagIQ SC200 subsea crawler can be adapted to inspect a wide range of pipe diameters from 6” and up.


The pulsed eddy current testing technique allows the inspection of thick insulated and concrete weight coated subsea pipelines. The subsea scanning crawler system enables inspection of up to 200mm of insulation or concrete weight coating. The detection capability with PECT technology in particular of internal pipe defects is upfront modelled as depending on size footprint generatable related to the overall coating and the pipe wall thickness.


Where the inspection surface allows InnetiQs implements ultrasonic sensors in parallel with the MagControl sensors to enable a parallel combination inspection approach of a highly sensitive electromagnetic technique for localized defect detection and absolute wall thickness scan by the multiple ultrasonic sensors in parallel to the electromagnetic sensor array.

Advanced Ultrasonics for high-resolution scans, e.g. for welds or specific focused inspection areas, C-scan mapping is performed with the FADS track system using special advanced ultrasonic sensors. The crawler’s ability to crawl and deep sea with up to 2,500m and its independent axial and circumferential orientation enables the crawler to operate independently between the splash zone and the deep sea.


InnetiQs team solved subsea inspection projects for e.g. weld or general surface crack detection by use of highly sensitive eddy current sensor systems, for geometry measurements of subsea pipelines and subsea structures by use of subsea laser systems or eddy current based solutions, coating thickness measurements by electromagnetic techniques or unique subsea solution support to detect stuck intelligent pigs in a subsea pipeline by electromagnetic technology solution.